Breakdown of Yet Another Todo App

Posted January 18th, 2020 by Zack Spellman

In which we explain some code which exists to explain other code

To demo MDX, I wrote my own little Todo App, which you can see here:


Last time I wrote a bit about the process of developing this demo, so this time it makes sense to explain the demo from the code. We'll start at the top (of the app, which isn't at the top of the file because I'm an old C dev at heart).

export default function TodoApp({ initialTodos }) {
  const [todos, dispatch] = useReducer(todoReducer, initialTodos, initTodos);
  const todoItems =, idx) => {
    return (
        dispatch={action => dispatch({ ...action, index: idx })}
  return (
    <div css={todoAppCss}>
      <h1>MY TODO LIST</h1>

This is the TodoApp component, written in functional style with a single hook, useReducer. I use object unpacking in the function definition to pull out the only prop, initialTodos - an optional list of strings. We then use the useReducer hook to manage our state (todos) and create our dispatch function (more on this in a second). We do a pretty standard map of our state to a list of components (TodoItem, in this case), then render a very basic layout of a heading and a list inside a styled container <div>.

The one tricky bit about this code is the lambda:

action => dispatch({ ...action, index: idx });

This creates a new, todo-item specific dispatch function which adds information to the action argument which the TodoItem doesn't know about, namely, its own index. There are pros and cons to this approach - on the plus side, it simplifies the TodoItem code by not sending in information purely to have it sent out again. On the minus side, it is likely not as performant as refusing to create a new function object here, so the code is (possibly) slower and more memory inefficient (though it is difficult to know without measuring). For the demo, I opted for the version with simpler code.

Next up is the reducer function, todoReducer, which we used in the first line of TodoApp. This is a standard reducer function, so it takes the current state (todos) and some action - an object with, by convention, a type property, and additional properties needed to enact the type of action specified. The reducer then returns the new state without modifying the existing state. These were popularized in React by the Redux state management library, and offer a few advantages over other ways of managing state, the most important of which is a centralized place that defines valid state transformations, rather than federating state transformation logic all over your codebase.

I'll explain each action type in turn:

function todoReducer(todos, action) {
  const idx = action.index;
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'SET_TODO': {
      const newTodos = [...todos];
      newTodos[idx] = action.todo;
      return newTodos;

The SET_TODO action is self explanatory: it replaces the todo at the index specified with the new todo. A more defensive version might copy the incoming todo to isolate state, or freeze the resulting object, but I'm omitting that for brevity. It has two required parameters beyond type: index and todo.

    case 'SPLIT_TODO': {
      const newTodos = [...todos];
      const prevTodo = newTodos[idx];
        { ...prevTodo, text: prevTodo.text.substring(0, action.start) },
        { text: prevTodo.text.substring(action.end), isDone: false, focus: 0 }
      return newTodos;

The SPLIT_TODO action is for when the Enter key is pressed, it has three required parameters: index, start, and end (the last two being the currently selected text, they are equal if it is just a cursor). It turns a single todo item into two, where the first new todo has the text from the beginning of the existing to start, and the second new todo has the text from end to the end of the existing. It also sets a focus parameter on the second new todo which indicates that the window's focus (which input has the cursor) should be at the beginning of the second new todo item. It is important to note that this focus parameter does nothing by itself, we have to implement that logic later.

At this point we've seen all the possible parameters of a todo, so I should clarify what the type of the todos state is. It is a list of objects, each object has three parameters:

  • a required string text, which indicates the text of the todo.
  • an optional boolean isDone, which if present and true indicates the todo is done.
  • an optional integer focus, which if present indicates this todo wants focus at the stored index.

Moving onto the next action type, we actually do two with one helper function. The switch cases are:

    case 'MERGE_PREV_TODO': {
      return mergeTodos(todos, idx - 1);
    case 'MERGE_NEXT_TODO': {
      return mergeTodos(todos, idx);

And the helper function is:

function mergeTodos(todos, idx) {
  if (idx < 0 || idx >= todos.length - 1) {
    return todos;
  const newTodos = [...todos];
  const firstTodo = newTodos[idx];
  const secondTodo = newTodos[idx + 1];
  newTodos.splice(idx, 2, {
    text: firstTodo.text + secondTodo.text,
    focus: firstTodo.text.length,
  return newTodos;

These actions, MERGE_PREV_TODO and MERGE_NEXT_TODO, are for when backspace is pressed at the beginning of a todo, or delete is pressed at the end of a todo, respectively. They are the inverse of SPLIT_TODO, and turn two separate todos into a single todo. After some simple bounds checking, we create the text from the concatenation of the two items, and ask the app to focus at the join point - this makes sense in both cases as your cursor must be at the beginning or end of a todo item in order to request these actions (I'll point this out later).

The one potential oddity of the above code is the expansion of ...firstTodo at the beginning of the new todo. In practice, this sets isDone to whatever firstTodo had, and that's it. In theory, this future proofs the code in case we add additional fields to the definition of a todo. However, this code may still need to change when we do this, based on how we want to merge new fields as we define them. With a stronger type system, I might have just written code specifically for isDone and let errors crop up if I ever added fields.

    default: {
      return todos;

This default case isn't strictly necessary for our demo, but it is a standard bit of hygiene for reducers. If we receive an action with an unexpected type, we simply keep the existing state. And that wraps up our set of possible actions: setting, splitting, and merging.

Next up is our TodoItem component. This is a bit more complicated, but we'll take it a bit at a time.

export default function TodoItem({ todo, dispatch }) {
  const textInput = useRef();
  useEffect(() => {
    if (todo.focus != null && textInput.current != null) {
      textInput.current.setSelectionRange(todo.focus, todo.focus);
        type: 'SET_TODO',
        todo: { ...todo, focus: undefined },
  }, [todo, dispatch]);

The top of this functional component uses two hooks, useRef and useEffect. We're using useRef for the straightforward purpose - to hold a React ref to our text input element, which we'll use in the following effect. The useEffect hook sets up a function that gets run after each render, and is useful for code which wants to interact with the DOM. In our case, we need to interpret the signal that a todo needs focus and actually set the focus correctly. We do this by using the textInput ref, and calling focus() and setSelection() to put the cursor where we want. We then call dispatch with the SET_TODO action type, and remove the focus parameter to indicate we have finished setting the focus.

Continuing on, we have:

  return (
      <label css={checkboxCss}>
          checked={todo.isDone ?? false}
          onChange={e =>
              type: 'SET_TODO',
              todo: { ...todo, isDone: },

The checkbox has a pretty standard setup: it's state is synced to the todo prop's isDone property, and when the checkbox is changed we update the todo's isDone property to the new state. Note the use the of the ?? operator to provide a default of false (unchecked) if the isDone property is undefined.

        onChange={e =>
            type: 'SET_TODO',
            todo: { ...todo, text: },
          todo.isDone === true && { textDecoration: 'line-through' },

The text input has a similar setup - value and onChange keep state in sync. Beyond those we have a conditional styling applied if todo.isDone (falsey values are ignored when styling) and a custom onKeyDown handler, which is here:

function todoItemOnKeyDown(dispatch) {
  return e => {
    if (e.key === 'Enter') {
        type: 'SPLIT_TODO',
    } else if (
      e.key === 'Backspace' && === 0 && === 0
    ) {
        type: 'MERGE_PREV_TODO',
    } else if (
      e.key === 'Delete' && === && ===
    ) {
        type: 'MERGE_NEXT_TODO',

This is where our three other action types are used. The enter key splits (and passes along the current selection to be deleted), while the backspace and delete keys merge if they are at the correct cursor location (otherwise they do their normal thing).

The most complicated piece of machinery is handling focus, so let's walk through a sequence of events for that:

  • onKeyDown handler gets a relevant key press, calls dispatch
  • dispatch creates a new todo with focus set
  • A state change causes a render to occur
  • Rendering TodoItem with focus set means its useEffect callback is nontrivial
  • After render, callback sets focus and cursor position and calls dispatch
  • Second dispatch call unsets focus
  • State change causes a render, but no parts of the generated tree change so it is a cheap noop.

And that, as they say, is that. I've left off the CSS as I don't think it is that interesting, and I've omitted the initTodos function because it is trivial, but the source is all available on GitHub so feel free to look there for the full effect.

There's plenty we could do if we were going to make this a fully-fledged application. Likely the first would be to persist the todos somewhere, which luckily separating state from presentation like we have with our reducer makes fairly easy. Over the next month or so, I'm hoping to build a more complicated app to demonstrate some of these complications.

Last edited: February 9th, 2020 16:10:22

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